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 A Horoscope Prediction (Janm Kundali vishleshan) 

Horoscope (janm-kundali) is a birth chart which is extracted based on the date , time and place of birth of the person. This janm-kundali helps in predicting the various aspects of life such as – wealth , education, career , luck factor, fame, health , family relationships , marriage life and various others to a deep extent.  It predicts time-wise events in the life of person and what actions he can take to improve his life or reduce the problems of life if any. There are other types of Kundali also navmansh , dashmansh, etc.

Knowing about your Kundali helps you know what you should do and what you should avoid in order to live prosperous life. You can ask all your questions related to your life and life of the people related to you.


Match-making (Kundali guna-milan) 

Marriage is a very important part of life and match making plays an important role in it. There are various factors like gun milan count, mangalik- amangalik, nadi dosh and bhakut which tells if the marriage between bride and groom are favorable or not. I am here to help you analyze the match of the horoscope of bride and groom and tell you what how many gun matches and are there any dosh in the kundali. Kundali-milan tells us whether the marriage is favorable or not . This can be very helpful specially in case of arrange marriage.

Gemstone Remedies (Nagg upaay)

In astrology, the positive and negative events in the life occurs due to the effect of various planets (grah) . Each gemstones represents a particular planet and either enhance the power of the favorable planet or diminish its negative effect. For each person , his kundali has one particular gemstone . Wearing the incorrect gemstone can lead to negative effect. Therefore , it is very important to know which planets are favorable to you and which are non favorable to you. Based on this information only, it should be decided which gemstone should be adapted by person along with corresponding beej mantra  . You can ask which gemstone is most favorable to you and what is the process of adapting the gemstone (day, time, process, mantra, etc).